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Helping build the Nairobi Center.


The Ministry takes large groups of people as well as volunteers including those from other organizations to foreign countries. The missionary have had outreaches in Korea, Israel, Denmark, Mexico, Panama, Scotland, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Brazil, Philippines, Peru, Kenya, Zambia, Ghana and Uganda. At home in the United States, ministry trips have included Washington, Oregon, California, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Alaska.

In the mission field: contributing to orphanages, building retreat centers for children, bringing well parts for water and electricity into five communities in Latin America. The missionaries have distributed tens of thousands of Bibles, taught in English in multiple foreign countries and began housing programs, schools and new churches.


The mission team laid the foundation for a new church. We were also given free time on the radio, as the owner was healed of cancer.



The church sent monies and teams of builders to build a youth camp in Naranjo and provided medical and school supplies for the poorest areas. They brought sewing machines, materials, tools for the beginning of industry; and started feeding programs for the children in Managua.



Ministry of the Living Stones has maintained a feeding program in Nicaragua for six years. The program feeds thousands of children a month. They sent tens of thousands of dollars in relief funds after Hurricane Mitch and helped in the building of the shelter tent city.



Arriving in Peru with a 27-person team of adults and high school ages, the Ministry passed out 35,000 Bibles in the poorest schools of Lima, Peru. The MLS Mime Team ministered in the schools with simple-to-understand, character-building skits that transcended all language barriers.



While in the country of Brazil, the mission team began an English-speaking school, ministered in churches and preached radio ‘spots,’ that reached millions throughout all of Brazil.



The ministry teams have ministered at Pastoral Conferences, National Leadership Conferences and Youth Conferences in Kenya, Zambia, Ghana and Uganda. The mission teams have developed feeding programs for thousands of children and adults. They have built missionary training centers in Kenya.




While on a ministry trip to Israel, the team was offered their own church in Bethlehem.

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